August 25, 2012

Brunch Adventures: Lot 6

I cant believe it took me 1 year of being a lost Foundation Studies student roaming around uni + 1.5 years of being a Melbourne Uni student to finally give this place a try. This entire time I've been hiding in Union House eating the same old same old (Honey chicken with rice), and missing out on life. (Okay not really).

So, Lot 6. AstroTurf and the constant crowd should've given me a hint that this place was gonna be good. 

All the nice sunlight, pretty wooden benches and steel tables, reasonable prices, good selection of yummy food and pastries, perfect location (right next to my favourite building in uni).. Lot 6 has officially become my current favourite place for catch-ups in between classes. Like seriously, how could you top that. I think for a period of time I came here almost twice a week.

Scrambled eggs with pumpkin, feta, and spinach on toast.
 Looks pretty mehhhh on the place but tastes great! Eggs were nice and fluffy, and the contrast between the saltiness of the feta and sweetness of the pumpkin was so yum. Personally I find it pretty hard to cook (and even more so, cut) pumpkin. Its so hard to get it to soften! But then again maybe thats just me. The pumpkin was creamy and smooth and the cheese was all melty and just, yum.

side note: is it just me or does this picture of the scrambled eggs look blurry? But if you enlarge it its clear. Weird. I always thought it would  be the other way round.

Spanish baked beans with chorizo, feta and a poached egg
 The beans weren't as well cooked as I had hoped, it was still a little chewy and hard. But I guess that means it didnt come from a can? Super filling dish, I had this for breakfast and I didnt eat anything else for the rest of the day until dinnertime. Which is, a rare occasion for me (who constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY snacks in between classes).

Lemongrass and ginger tea
Must try! Their Dark Hot Chocolate is my favourite beverage though.

Photo by Shini.
Sense my excitement.

Everything  looks really simply presented but for the very reasonable price I'm not going to complain about the lack of unnecessary leaves and drops of oil around my plate. They were even giving out free beverages the other day while we were there, SCORE!

Thank God for all these lovely cafe's in Melbourne. I would have no idea where to go for brunch if I was in Malaysia. Then again, in Malaysia I'd be busy stuffing my face with Char Kuey Teow and Claypot Loh See Fun with a nice cup of Teh O Ais Limau to be thinking of Ham and Cheese Croissants and fancy coffee.

Till next time! x

Lot 6 
located next to the Eastern Resource Centre (ERC)
Melbourne University

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